

Monday 4/09/2023 Tuesday 5/09/2023 Wednesday 6/09/2023 Thursday 7/09/2023 Friday 8/09/2023
09:00 – 9:30
Registration & Welcome
9:30 – 11:00
Keynote – Harith Alani
Keynote – Jill Walker
Keynote – Aldo Gangemi
11:00 – 11:30 Break Break Break Break Break
11:30 – 13:00
Social media methods
Tutorial maps design
Tours of Hertziana*
Web reading Toward HT24
Self-organised tours**
Walkthrough – Geo-Contextualizaton and Aggregation of Information Resources
Visit at State Archive***
13:00 – 14:30
Registration & Welcome
Lunch Workshops
Registration & Welcome
Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:30 – 16:00
Opening Ceremony

Keynote Bibliotheca Hertziana
Through the Mirror of Social Media
Self-orgnised tours**
Hypertext Authoring
Tutorial Social Media Analysis
Tours of Hertziana*
Closing Ceremony
Stats, Awards & Unveil of HT24
16:00 – 16:30 Break Break Break Break
16:30 – 18:00
Panel – Social Media Practices
Hypertext & Art:
a Retrospective of Forms
Curation and Editions
Self-organised tours**
18:00 – 19:30
19:30 – 21:00
Self-organised workshop dinners

* Max 12 people per slot, registration at the welcome desk.

** Time for walk abouts and tours, here some recommendations about what to do when in Rome.

*** Visit and networking event at the State Archive in Rome, max 5 people, registration at the welcome desk.

Technical Programme

Time Session Track Speakers Titles Types
05/09/2023 Tuesday
16:30-18:00 Workflows
(Chair: Davide Picca)
Workflows and Infrastructures Giuseppe Abrami, Alexander Mehler, Mevlüt Bagci, Patrick Schrottenbacher, Alexander Henlein, Christian Spiekermann, Juliane Engel and Jakob Schreiber Va.Si.Li-Lab as a collaborative multi-user annotation tool long paper
16:30-18:00 Workflows Workflows and Infrastructures Paul Mulholland, Adam Stoneman, Jason Carvalho, Enrico Daga and Mark Maguire Deep Viewpoints: Scripted Support for the Citizen Curation of Museum Artworks long paper
16:30-18:00 Workflows Workflows and Infrastructures Nikos Gounakis, Michalis Mountantonakis and Yannis Tzitzikas Evaluating a Radius-based Pipeline for Question Answering over Cultural (CIDOC-CRM based) Knowledge Graphs long paper
16:30-18:00 Workflows Workflows and Infrastructures Xinran Tian, Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Katrina Grant and Marco Antonio Casanova Mitigating Bias in GLAM Search Engines: A Simple Rating-Based Approach and Reflection short paper
16:30-18:00 Panel – Social media practices Social and Intelligent Media Fachrina Dewi Puspitasari, Gareth Tyson, Ehsan-Ul Haq, Pan Hui and Lik-Hang Lee Ghost Booking as a New Philanthropy Channel: A Case Study on Ukraine-Russia Conflict long paper
16:30-18:00 Panel – Social media practices Social and Intelligent Media Navid Ayoobi, Sadat Shahriar and Arjun Mukherjee The Looming Threat of Fake and LLM-generated LinkedIn Profiles: Challenges and Opportunities for Detection and Prevention long paper
16:30-18:00 Panel – Social media practices Social and Intelligent Media Valerio La Gatta, Luca Luceri, Francesco Fabbri and Emilio Ferrara The Interconnected Nature of Online Harm and Moderation: Investigating the Cross-Platform Spread of Harmful Content between YouTube and Twitter long paper
16:30-18:00 Panel – Social media practices Reflections Alessio Antonini Positive by Design: The Next Big Challenge in Rethinking Media as Agents? short paper
18:00-19:30 Interactive
(Chair: Sam Brooker)
Workflows and Infrastructures Isabella Gagliardi and Maria Teresa Artese Intuitive Semantic Graph Tool for Enhanced Archive Exploration poster/demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Social and Intelligent Media Karla Schäfer and Jeong-Eun Choi Transparency in Messengers – A Metadata Analysis Based on the Example of Telegram poster/demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Anatoliy Gruzd, Alyssa Saiphoo and Philip Mai Decentralizing Social Media: An Examination of Blockchain-based Social Media Adoption and Use based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) poster/demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Daniel Roßner, Claus Atzenbeck and Sam Brooker SPORE: A Storybreaking Machine demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Frode Hegland IA, not only AI demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Danai Vachtsevanou, Jérémy Lemée, Raffael Rot, Simon Mayer, Andrei Ciortea and Ganesh Ramanathan HyperBrain: Human-inspired Hypermedia Guidance using a Large Language Model demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Gregoire Burel and Harith Alani The Fact-Checking Observatory – Reporting the Co-Spread of Misinformation and Fact-checks on Social Media demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Dene Grigar and Rob Swigart Hypertextuality and Virtual Reality: Translating Hypertext Functionality in Rob Swigart’s Portal for the VR Game, DATA ENTRY: Portal demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Shaduan Babbili, Kevin Bönisch, Yannick Heinrich, Philipp Stephan, Giuseppe Abrami and Alexander Mehler Viki LibraRy: A virtual reality library for collaborative browsing and navigation through hypertext demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Julian Gagel, Jasper Hustedt, Timo Lüttig, Theresa Berg, Giuseppe Abrami and Alexander Mehler News in Time and Space: Global Event Exploration in Virtual Reality demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Guido Thys Developing and implementing a superconnector of producers in the printing industry to facilitate book historical research. demo
18:00-19:30 Interactive Interactive media/demos Dario Negueruela del Castillo, Iacopo Neri, Paul Guhennec, Javier Argota Sánchez-Vaquerizo, Ludovica Schaerf, Valentine Bernasconi and Pepe Ballesteros Zapata Transhistorical Urban Landscape as Hypermap demo
06/09/2023 Wednesday
11:30-13:00 Social media methods Social and Intelligent Media Jordan Barria-Pineda, Kamil Akhuseyinoglu and Peter Brusilovsky Adaptive Navigational Support and Explainable Recommendations in a Personalized Programming Practice System long paper
11:30-13:00 Social media methods Social and Intelligent Media Yao Ma, Tahir Abbas and Ujwal Gadiraju ContextBot: Improving Response Consistency in Crowd-Powered Conversational Systems for Affective Support Tasks long paper
11:30-13:00 Social media methods Social and Intelligent Media Shah Noor Khan and Eelco Herder Effects of the spiral of silence on minority groups in recommender systems short paper
11:30-13:00 Social media methods Social and Intelligent Media Mamoru Yamakawa and Keishi Tajima A Centrality for Social Media Users Focusing on Information-Gathering Ability long paper
14:30-16:00 Through the mirror of social media Social and Intelligent Media Samuel Guimarães, Gabriel Kakizaki, Philipe Melo, Márcio Silva, Fabrício Murai, Julio Reis and Fabricio Benevenuto Anatomy of Hate Speech Datasets: Composition Analysis and Cross-dataset Classification long paper
14:30-16:00 Through the mirror of social media Social and Intelligent Media Salim Sazzed Comparative analysis of affective and linguistic features in online depression and suicidal discussion forums short paper
14:30-16:00 Through the mirror of social media Social and Intelligent Media Aparup Khatua and Wolfgang Nejdl Why do we Hate Migrants? A Double Machine Learning-based Approach long paper
14:30-16:00 Through the mirror of social media Social and Intelligent Media Shreya Ghosh and Prasenjit Mitra Catching Lies in the Act: Early Misinformation Detection on Social Media through User Profiling and Network Characteristics long paper
14:30-16:00 Panel – Hypertext as method
(Chair: Claus Atzenbeck)
Digital authoring, reading and publishing Alessio Antonini, Megan Bushnell, Christopher Ohge, Francesca Benatti, Alessandro Adamou and Sam Brooker Hypertext as Method: Reflections on Hypertext as Design Logic panel
07/09/2023 Thursday
11:30-13:00 Web reading
(Chair: Francesca Benatti)
Digital authoring, reading and publishing Serge Bouchardon The boundary between reality and fiction in hyperfictions for smartphone long paper
11:30-13:00 Web reading Digital authoring, reading and publishing Emily Norton Beyond Hypertexting the Hypertext: Annotated and GIS Adaptions of Joyce’s Ulysses as Case Studies for User Experience and Engagement with Digital Projects short paper
11:30-13:00 Web reading Digital authoring, reading and publishing Nayana Prakash The website as hypertext storytelling: co-constructed readings of the Internet short paper
11:30-13:00 Web reading Digital authoring, reading and publishing Giorgio Busi Rizzi All click and no play: how interactive are interactive webcomics? long paper
14:30-16:00 Hypertext Authoring
(Chair: Francesca Benatti)
Digital authoring, reading and publishing Elizabeth Losh Are You the Main Character?: Visibility Labor and Attributional Practices on TikTok short paper
14:30-16:00 Hypertext Authoring Digital authoring, reading and publishing Marie Bizais-Lillig and Xinmin Hu What Degree of Freedom for the Reader of Patrimonial Digital Editions? The case of a large interconnected scholarly corpus of Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese literature long paper
14:30-16:00 Hypertext Authoring Digital authoring, reading and publishing Alessio Antonini and Sam Brooker Name Links: an Aesthetic Discussion long paper
14:30-16:00 Hypertext Authoring Digital authoring, reading and publishing Laura Dietz Against Hypertextuality: De-enhancement of hypertext works for commercial and anti-commercial reasons (short presentation extended abstract) short paper
16:30-18:00 Curation and editions
(Chair: Christopher Ohge)
Digital authoring, reading and publishing Giuseppe Carrino, Angelo Di Iorio and Gioele Barabucci Comparison of news commonality and churn in international news outlets with TARO long paper
16:30-18:00 Curation and editions Digital authoring, reading and publishing Giulia Renda, Marilena Daquino and Valentina Presutti Melody: A Platform for Linked Open Data Visualisation and Curated Storytelling long paper
16:30-18:00 Curation and editions Workflows and Infrastructures Davide Picca, Antonin Schnyder, Alessandro Adamou, Eri Kostina and Dario Rodighiero Orchestrating Cultural Heritage: Exploring the Automated Analysis and Organization of Charles S. Peirce’s PAP Manuscript short paper
08/09/2023 Friday
11:30-13:00 Reflections
(Chair: Mariusz Pisarski)
Reflections Simon Rowberry Historiographies of Hypertext long paper
11:30-13:00 Reflections Reflections Mark W.R Anderson and David E. Millard Seven Hypertexts long paper
11:30-13:00 Reflections Reflections Claus Atzenbeck, Dene Grigar and Manolis Tzagarakis Interdisciplinary Teaching Toward the Next Generation Hypertext Researchers long paper
11:30-13:00 Reflections Reflections Christian Wachter Scholarly Hypertext Revisited: Leveraging Multimodal Publication Formats for Creating Multiperspectivity and Transparent Data Interpretation in the (Digital) Humanities long paper
11:30-13:00 Interactive Interactive media/demos Klaus Werner Geo-Contextualizaton and Aggregation of Information Resources demo