
Accepted workshops

HUMAN’23 – Human Factors in Hypertext


  • Prof Dr Jessica Rubart, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Prof Dr Claus Atzenbeck, Institute for Information System, Hof University


Keywords: User-Centric; Human-Centered; Information Structuring; UI; Interaction; Cognitive Aspects; Knowledge Work; Collaboration; Intercultural Aspects; Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence; Human-Centered Information Systems

HUMAN 2023 is intended to be the 6th workshop of a series for the ACM Hypertext conferences. The HUMAN workshop has a strong focus on the user and thus is complementary to the strong machine analytics research direction that could be experienced in previous conferences.

The user-centric view on hypertext not only includes user interfaces and interaction, but also discussions about hypertext application domains as well as human-centered AI. Furthermore, the workshop raises the question of how original hypertext ideas (e.g., Doug Engelbart’s “augmenting human intellect” or Frank Halasz’ “hypertext as a medium for thinking and communication”) can improve today’s hypertext systems.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: June 28, 2023 AoE
  • Notification of Acceptance: July 24, 2023 AoE
  • Camera Ready: August 6 AoE

Submission: HT’23 EasyChair submission page, select the HUMAN track.

NHT23 – Narrative and Hypertext ‘23:“Mixed Reality Narrative Hypertext”


  • Dr Charlie Hargood, SciTech, Bournemouth University
  • Prof David Millard, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton


Keywords: Narrative; Hypertext; Digital Humanities; Games; Interactive Digital Narratives; Mixed Reality

NHT is a continuing workshop series associated with the ACM Hypertext conference for over a decade. The workshop acts as forum of discussion for the narrative systems community within the wider audience of the Hypertext conference. The workshop runs both presentations from authors of accepted short research papers, and unstructured unconference sessions to provide a venue for important discussions of issues facing and opportunities for members of the narrative and hypertext community. This year the workshop aims to specifically target the timely issue of “Mixed Reality Narrative Hypertext” while maintaining an open venue for wider relevant work.

Important dates:

  • 10th July: Paper Submissions Due
  • 31st July: Notification of acceptance
  • 7th August: Camera ready papers due
  • 4th September: Workshop

Submission: Papers should be emailed directly to the organisers before the deadline (AoE time).

OASIS – Open Challenges in Online Social Networks



  • Barbara Guidi, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa
  • Andrea Michienzi, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa
  • Laura Ricci, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa

Keywords: Social Networks and Media; analysis and mining; Metaverse; Web3;
Decentralization; AI for Social Media

Since their introduction, Online Social Networks deeply changed the way humans interact with each other, offering countless new possibilities and demolishing the physical barriers among people. Their worldwide adoption introduced numerous problems, including poor privacy management, the spread of fake news, the impact of bot accounts, architectural scalability, a poor redistribution of the economic value generated, and others. The aim of this workshop is to attract contributions that are able to identify relevant problems in both centralized and decentralized Online Social Networks and propose innovative solutions to these problems.

Important dates:

  • Papers submission: June 28, 2023 (AoE, UCT -12)
  • Notification of acceptance: July 24, 2023
  • Camera-ready paper due: August 6, 2023
  • Workshop: September 4-8, 2023

Submission: HT’23 EasyChair submission page, select the OASIS track.

Web/Comics – Webcomics and/as Hypertext



  • Dr Francesca Benatti, The Open University
  • Dr Ernesto Priego, City, University of London
  • Linda Berube, City, University of London

Keywords: Media arts, Web applications, Empirical studies in HCI

Web/Comics 2023 is the first in a new workshop series for the ACM Hypertext conference. The Web/Comics workshop focuses on the transformation of the comics medium enacted by hypertext through the emergence of webcomics, or “graphic sequential narratives that are created, published, and read on-line” (Priego 2011). The Web/Comics workshop brings together interdisciplinary perspectives from the humanities and technological communities to share work and discuss the latest research on webcomics from the perspectives of both communities. It wants to act as a bridge to increase collaboration between the comics and hypertext research communities. Researchers and practitioners working with webcomics or hypertext are invited to attend this workshop. Participants are asked to submit a short (between 2 and 4 pages) position paper on their current work. The planned event is a half day hybrid workshop with sessions based around short presentations, with emphasis on opportunities for dialogue and discussion in the final roundtable session.

Important dates:

  • Papers submission: June 28, 2023 (AoE)
  • Notification of acceptance: July 24, 2023
  • Camera-ready paper due: August 6, 2023
  • Workshop: September 4-5, 2023 (half day, exact date tbc)

Submission: HT’23 EasyChair submission page, select the Web/Comics track.

LIRAI – Legal Information Retrieval meets Artificial Intelligence



  • Ernesto William De Luca, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg 
  • Manuel Fiorelli, University of Rome Tor Vergata 
  • Davide Picca, University of Lausanne 
  • Armando Stellato, University of Rome Tor Vergata 
  • Sabine Wehnert, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Keywords: Legal informatics; Legal Information Retrieval; Legal Knowledge Representation; Legal Text Mining; Legal Compliance; FAIRness; Semantic Web; Explainable AI; High-Recall Retrieval

The Legal Information Retrieval meets Artificial Intelligence (LIRAI) workshop series aims to provide a venue hosting discussion of novel ideas, evaluations, and success stories concerning the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Retrieval (IR) to the legal domain. All around the world, lawmakers, legal professionals, and citizens must cope with the sheer amount of legal knowledge present in legal documents. These documents can be norms, regulations, directives, legal cases, and other relevant material for legal practitioners, such as legal commentary. The continuous evolution of legal documents is a challenging setting, with implicit relationships playing an important role beyond explicit references. Recently, the adoption of shared machine-readable formats and FAIR principles, as well as methods and practices from the Semantic Web, have certainly improved the accessibility of legal knowledge and its interoperability. Still, retrieving legal knowledge and making sense of it are not solved problems. The legal community has often special requirements for retrieval systems (e.g., high recall, explainability). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is positioned as a lever to augment our capability to find, understand, and correlate legal information on the one hand, and comprehend its relationship with reality, in terms of compliance evaluation and risk/benefit analysis. We call contributions on these topics in the form of papers, which will be collected in an open-access proceedings published on and thus indexed by Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar and other major services.

Submission: instructions on the Lirai’23 website and sumibssions on easychair.

Important dates:

  • Paper submission deadline: June 28, 2023
  • Author notification: July 24, 2023
  • Camera-ready submission deadline: August 6, 2023
  • Workshop: September 4-8, 2023 (final date tbd)

All deadlines must be considered at 23:59 Anywhere-On-Earth (AEO) timezone.