Hypertext 2024 Call for Papers is out

Welcome to the blog for the 35th ACM Hypertext Conference! In 2024 the conference theme is “Creative Intelligence” and it will take place in Poznań, Poland from the 10th to 13th of September. Our new 2024 website is ready and the Call for Papers and Call for Workshops are published. The submission deadline is 31st of March. It is important to note that this year we divide the call for papers into Research Tracks and Practitioner Tracks. Research Tracks
The following tracks welcome research contributions: Intelligent methods for content creation and curation invites research about algorithms, pipelines and infrastructures powering hypertext systems – like digital archives, web applications or digital exhibitions – or supporting the study, management, and analysis of hypermedia systems. Authoring and publishing of interactive and social media content track is dedicated to exploring how hypertext has transformed authoring and publishing. Submissions may focus on specific case studies or methodological reflections that take inspiration from fields such as book history, digital humanities and/or media studies. Readership and experience with interactive and social media – his track welcomes studies on readers and new modalities of their experience and potential authorship of interactive hypertext media. In the Communities of digital practices track we welcome papers, demos or extended abstracts that focus own hypertext as networks of creative digital communities: demo scene; creative writing exercise and horror story readership, the Creepypasta, retro computing/gaming elites on “small web” – these are examples of digital practices that we want to reflect upon. may focus on the growth, management and activities of such communities: how, for what purpose and with what outcomes these communities operate and the tools they use. The Foundations of Creative Intelligence track submissions may focus on synergies between tools and creative work, new paradigms that inspire the next generation of tools for art, and constraints and influence of technology in cultural heritage and production. Among submissions formats accepted in this track are blue sky ideas about future systems or even training programs of artists and developers!
The peer review for all tracks will be double-blind and, as such, all submissions should be fully anonymised (see format guidelines). Practitioner Tracks:
The Practitioner Tracks are specifically tailored for professionals and scholars, is ideal for demonstrating the real-world impact of hypertext systems in business, hypertext education and training, user experience. There are two tracks: Interactive narratives which welcome the presentation of creative works, like e-literature and games, and the Applications, Resources and Tools which invites the presentation of novel applications, resources and tools.
Please join us in Poznań at this exciting conference!