Interview: Intelligent Methods for Content Creation and Curation
In the following posts, and video interviews to accompany them, we present individual research tracks, submissions that the track chairs are looking for and the varied formats that are accepted for the 35th ACM Hypertext and Social Media Conference
The tagline “Creative Intelligence” allows scholars from diverse communities to reflect on hypertext theory and practice in an exciting angle of creativity in digital media that we encourage to understand not only as ground-breaking but also as rule-breaking. This applies also to the submissions that the program committees are seeking: there is a format for everyone, from short abstracts, and full papers to interactive demos, or any other – even rule-breaking – proposal.
In the first interview, I asked dr Paul Mulholland (Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University), and dr Andrew Garget (School of Languages and Applied Linguistics, The Open University) about the 1st track of the conference: Intelligent Methods for content Creation and curation:
Mariusz Pisarski: What is the scope (and context) of the Intelligent methods, content creation and curation track?
Andrew Garget: As with almost every area of digital technologies, the surge of interest and resources in the broad area of intelligent approaches to generating content is impacting hypertext systems.
In light of such impact, we are strongly encouraging reports of completed or ongoing work on algorithms, pipelines and infrastructures powering hypertext systems.
This would involve work reporting how such technologies are impacting work in and/or around digital archives, web applications or digital exhibitions.
In addition, the impacts of such technologies are likely to extend to curation activities, and also of interest here are reports on work supporting the study, management, and analysis of hypermedia systems, particularly involving techniques and approaches from Artificial Intelligence and its various sub-fields (e.g. Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning).
Mariusz Pisarski: What are some examples of submissions from the three areas of methods, content creation and curation?
Paul Mulholland: We wish to receive papers describing tools and methods to support hypertext systems. Those hypertext systems could take the form of, for example, an argumentation tool, spatial hypertext, community memory, game, interactive literature, or adaptive educational hypermedia.
The tool or method described in the paper could provide support for the analysis and/or authoring of hypertext systems.
The analysis of hypertext systems could be content-based, for example, analysing texts, images, or videos within the hypertext or making use of ontologies and metadata that describe the hypermedia content. The analysis could be used to understand the form and structure of the hypertext or how it could be improved or extended.
Tools for authoring hypertext systems could support humans, individually or collectively, in creating hypertexts and/or provide support for the automatic or assisted generation of hypermedia content. This could also include recommender systems suggesting personalised routes through a hypertext.
The content used in the creation or personalisation of those hypertexts could include, for example, materials from documents, images, or video archives.
Mariusz Pisarski: What should a strong submission to this track include?
Paul Mulholland: A strong submission will be grounded in a specific application, that is theoretically well-motivated and adequately evaluated.
Of particular interest are reports on completed or ongoing work involving working systems solving real problems, with real use cases and evaluation.
Mariusz Pisarski: What formats are accepted for the intelligent methods, content creation and curation track?
Paul Mulholland: We invite submissions as long papers, short papers, demos and posters. We expect long papers to report completed work and incorporate evaluation or validation of the approach.