Introduction to the 34th ACM Hypertext Conference, 4-8 September 2023, Rome Italy

Welcome to the blog for the 34th ACM Hypertext Conference! We will use this space to share conference news, updates, information on tracks, keynotes and sponsors.

We begin our run up to this year’s conference in Rome, Italy, September 4-8, 2023 with an introductory video from our General Chair Dr Alessio Antonini (KMI, The Open University, UK). Alessio explains how this year’s theme “Humanity Within” expands the focus of Hypertext to include Digital Humanities, Book History and E-Literature communities.

Alessio hopes that by bringing together the digital and the human will “engage the community in discussions about what is under the surface of algorithms, systems and data”. The aim to forge new collaborations and connections between the Hypertext community as well as welcoming in those interested in the hypertext paradigm, for the first in-person Hypertext conference after the pandemic. Because of this, and because we want to welcome you to Rome, the Hypertext Team is working incredibly hard to ensure that this is the most accessible Hypertext conference yet. Plans have been put in place to keep costs in line with humanities conferences, and we expect to share news of early career researcher scholarships soon.

Alessio also explains there have also changes to the conference tracks: Interactive Media: Art and Design will allow people to send contributions in new formats, including “artworks, demonstrations, videos: anything that will challenge our way of thinking.” The Authoring, Reading, Publishing track is specifically designed for submissions of case studies relating to new practices on the web. Workflows and Infrastructures will “focus on systems and models.” Social and Intelligent Media is dedicated to understanding the impact of social media and AI, whilst Reflections and Approaches reflects more broadly on hypertext systems. Do take a look at the Call for Papers for more information, and ensure you make a note of the important dates for submission of papers and presentations.

“We hope that with this new expanded version of Hypertext”, Alessio finishes “we will see the people we know at the conference, and that we will welcome many new scholars to this community.”