Submission Instructions

The submission process has the following two steps:

  1. Draft submission for peer-to-peer evaluation
  2. Camera-ready submission in case of acceptance
An overview of the submission pathways for ACM Hypertext
An overview of the submission pathways for ACM Hypertext

Draft submission

Draft submission is made via EasyChair by using the ACM HT template. The template is available in Microsoft Word and Latex formats. The latex template is available through the Overleaf platform and the Word template can be downloaded at this link from ACM (instructions about authoring using MS template.

Guidance on Reference Styles for ACM Papers.

The length of submissions is constrained by the type of contribution (as indicated in the call for paper).

Formats per type of contribution:

  • Research papers (fully anonymised)
    • Long presentation, up to 12 pages + references
    • Short presentation, up to 6 pages + references
  • Practitioner and Industry Track & Blue Skies contributions
    • Short presentation, up to 6 pages + references
    • Extended abstract, up to 2 pages + references
  • Any other contribution
    • Extended abstract, up to 2 pages + references

Draft submissions must be made in PDF format. Submission to research tracks needs to be fully anonymised.

Adding special symbols/fonts in LaTeX

Some resources to assist with this are available here: inserting special characters.

Camera-ready Submission

Authors of accepted contributions will be invited to submit a revised version (the camera-ready version) of their manuscript.

The camera-ready versions will be included in the conference proceedings, flagged as appropriate by the type of contribution (e.g., research paper, workshop proposal).

The camera-ready versions will not be further reviewed. As such, authors should make the least amount of changes addressing typos and clarifications requested by reviewers.

The camera-ready submission is done through the ACM TAPS system using the same draft submission templates. The submission must include the manuscript source file: word document(.docx) or latex folder (zip file).

TAPS Submissions using Open Access

When publishing open Open Access papers in ACM publications, a charge for this is payable upon submission of camera-ready papers to TAPS (i.e. as part of the submission). Authors using Open Access, and depending on money from their organisations to cover this charge, should ensure support/funds for OA licensing are in place before commencing their TAPS submission.

How to Use the Templates

ACM templates differentiate between draft and camera-ready versions. Draft submissions are single column while camera-ready versions are expected to be in a two-column format.

Draft submissions can be either in single or double-column format and the number of pages limit will be assessed in the submission format of your choice.

In latex, the two-column format is enabled by using the following rule in the header, replacing the default single column:

% draft rule -> to be commented

% camera ready rule for two columns

In Microsoft Word, the ACM template is used to generate the two-columns using TAPS so authors have to follow the TAPS workflow. ACM published a video guide